Zuila & Lulu (Georg Loyal und Ella Zuila)

Loyal, George (Lulu), *... (um 1846/49) in ..., » ... in ..., † ... 1.1921 in ... (verm. England), V ... in ..., Beruf: Artis, "aerialist, female impersonator of Lulu", "English aerialist and human cannonball", Ascensionist, Mitglied der späteren Luftfahrergruppe Zuila & Lulu, der aus Amerika stammende Luftfahrer und Fallschirmspringer Leroux (1859-1889) war lange Jahre mit den Acensionisten Loyal (Zuila & Lulu) assoziiert. Leroux verunglückte am 26.9.1889 bei einem Schausprung mit seinem Fallschirm. Er wurde auf die Ostsee getrieben und ertrank nicht weit von Reval, oo ... (um 1871) in ... (verm. Australien), mit Ella Zuila, *... (um 1854) in ... (Australien), " ... in ..., † 30.1.1926 in Walton-on-the-Naze, England (72 J.), V ... in ..., Beruf: französische Sensationsartistin "Madame Loyal", zeigte 1891 einen "Canon act", ((To.v. ...)). (K 273), (K 621).

Kinder (1895 verm. 3 Töchter):
Loyal, Lulu Winnifred (little Lulu), *... (um 1875) in ... (verm. Australien), » ... in ..., † ... in ..., V ... in ...

Loyal, ... (Tochter), *... (um 1886) in ..., » ... in ..., † ... in ..., V ... in ...

Loyal, ... (Tochter), *... (um 1886) in ..., » ... in ..., † ... in ..., V ... in ...

*1 George Loyal "60 J., Gymnast", "U.S. Citizen New York", segelte mit seiner Frau Ella, auf dem Schiff "Silvia" von Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada nach Amerika und erreichte am 15.10.1906 Ellis Island, New York. http://www.ancestry.com
*2 Tom Ogden, Two Hundred Years of the American Circus, 1993
"Billed as the 'Human Projectile' , George Loyal became the first Human Cannonball to perform in the United States probably with the Yankee Robinson Circus in 1875."
MyFamily.com: "1875 George Loyal, a performer with the Yankee Robinson Circus, becomes the first person to be fired from a cannon."
*3 Am 7.10.1895 kam von Southamten aus kommen das Schiff "Paris" nach Ellis Island, New York.
Es werden in den Schiffslisten genannt: Mr. Loyal 46 J., Ella Zuila 40 J.; Miss Loyal, 20 J.; Miss Loyal, 9 J.; Miss Loyal 9 J. alle Bürger von USA.
*4 http://www.cannon-mania.com/human-cannon.htm
*5 http://www.cannon-mania.com/images/Circus/loyal.jpg
*6 John Turner Vol 2 (K 621).
*7 http://www.latrobe.edu.au/bulletin/archive/072002/story_cover.html
*8 Zuila, Ella, Zirkusartistin, 1880-x hatte Sie eine Vorstellung mit gefährlichem Inhalt: Sie ist mit Spezialschuhen über ein Hochseil gelaufen, oder auf den Schulter ihres Mannes, oder mit einem Korb in dem sich ihr Kind gefand.
*9 1877 - The first human cannonball act was performed at London's Amphitheatre, featuring acrobatic lady Zazal.
1877 The first human cannonball act was performed at London's Amphitheatre, when acrobatic lady Zazal was shot by elastic springs into a safety net.

George Loyal, aerialist, female impersonator of Lulu. Worked as aerial trapeze act with Bosco. During his travels in Australia George Loyal met his wife Ella Zulia, married her when she was 17, and trained her for the high-rope, working an act together as Zulia and Lulu, George still posing as a girl. A daugther was named Lulu Winnifred. Claimed to have invented the human cannonball act. Exhibiting in Australia in 1882 although the mechanism had been patented by Farini in 1870. A Madame Loyal appeared as a juggler in 1887. First appeared as a male gymnast in 1879 and worked as a male from that date. Later worked with Ala as a partner. In 1880, together with Leroux, worked balloon ascents and parachute descents, as Captain Loyal and Leroux. In 1880 suffered an accident, at Malome, Sweden, when Leroux was drowned after a storm blew his parachute out to sea. he died in january 1921. may have been a protege of Farini, who was in Australia at the time Loyal was there.*6
Nobody knows her - but Ella Zuila was the most famous Australian public entertainer in the world in the last two decades of the 19th century.
Like her near contemporary and compatriot Nellie Melba, she assumed a continental-sounding stage name, but unlike the great diva we don't know her real name.
A striking-looking athlete of astounding physical prowess, Ella was in her day the world's most famous female circus wire walker or aerialist - the toast of enraptured audiences across Europe and north America.
These examples occurred frequently in circuses, hugely popular public entertainments that came into their own in the second half of the 19th century. The creme de la crËme of circus performers were the aerialists - and Ella Zuila was the best!
Men were supposed to have the muscular bodies. They performed public feats of strength and daring. Imagine the effect on staid Victorian-era public perceptions of the female body when women aerialists like Ella broke down, for the first time, the perceptions of the 'natural' difference between male and female bodies.
'Ella was a sensation. She matched and often excelled the daring feats of male aerialists'.

1854 She was born somewhere in Australia.

1875 George Loyal, a performer with the Yankee Robinson Circus, becomes the first person to be fired from a cannon.*2
There is also a drawing of her, hanging by her knees catching Loyal who had been fired at her from a cannon.

1877 The first human cannonball act was performed at London's Amphitheatre, when acrobatic "lady Zazal" was shot by elastic springs into a safety net.*9

1868 George Loyal, English aerialist and human cannonball, arrived in Australia and performed in Melbourne and Sydney. He probably established a personal and professional relationship with Ella in Sydney.*4, *5

1872 The Sydney Morning Herald of 22 March carried an advertisement for Ella's performance as a gymnast next day at the Royal National Circus in Sydney.

1876 According to the American circus industry publication, the New York Clipper, Ella, rode a velocipede across a 500-foot long wire, 368 feet above the Magani Falls, near Pietermaritzburg, capital of Natal, in South Africa.

1877 and 1878 She probably worked in London.

1880 and 1881 She performed in the USA at Adam Forepaugh's, the largest circus at that time.

1881 At the height of her fame in America, drawings of her act show her wheeling a child over the wire in a barrow, carrying on her back a man - probably her aerial partner, husband and manager, George Loyal - pouring water from one vase to another held over her head, walking the wire sometimes on stilts, sometimes with baskets on her feet. And she could do some of this blindfolded! *8

1885 until 1904 Ella was to remain a major aerial star in London and Europe, with Loyal astutely managing the act.

1895 Am 7.10. kam von Southamten aus kommen das Schiff "Paris" nach Ellis Island, New York. Es werden in den Schiffslisten genannt: Mr. Loyal 46 J., Ella Zuila 40 J.; Miss Loyal, 20 J.; Miss Loyal, 9 J.; Miss Loyal 9 J. alle Bürger von USA.*3

1886 When Ella's fame was at its zenith she was performing to thousands of people at the Crystal Palace, Royal Aquarium, Canterbury and Paragon theatres in London and touring Continental Europe.

1904 Her career came to an abrupt halt on 26 August. While riding a bicycle across a wire at the Rotunda, Dublin, she fell. She was so badly injured she could not perform on the wire again.

1906 George Loyal "60 J., Gymnast", "U.S. Citizen New York", segelte mit seiner Frau Ella, auf dem Schiff "Silvia" von Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada nach Amerika und erreichte am 15.10. Ellis Island, New York.*1

1926 When she died on 30 January at Walton-on-the-Naze, England, Ella's age was given as 72.*7